Thrones Frens 3D Character Study

Gettin’ by with a little help from my frens.

The wait for the final season of Game of Thrones was long (and full of terrors), and I was really starting to miss Westeros.
To pass the time I decided to make some adorable 3D versions of my favorite characters. I call them my “Thrones Frens”

Created in C4D + Substance Painter // Rendered with Redshift // Composited in After Effects

I really enjoyed digging deeper into 3D characters:
• Proper Topology / Modelling 
• Hair / Fur grooming
• Clothing / Armor / Props modelling
• Lots of surfacing fun in Substance Painter 

One particular challenge was capturing these very recognizable characters while maintaining a playful, stylized look.
I started by trying to match the faces pretty darn close to the actual character/actors, and then adjust proportions. 
Body proportions, in particular, do a lot of the heavy lifting to get that Funko Pop look. 

© 2022